Thursday, July 29, 2004


Promises to make. Promises to commit. Promise to keep.

Why did God ever create such a thing call "promise"? Perhaps it's His nature. Just take a look at the promises He made to His children.

He promises a hope and a future. He promises a mansion in Heaven. He promises His face and glory. And most important of all, He promises love and forgiveness on a Cross. 

          *                  *                 *

Most people doesn't like to promise. At least I'm one such person. I mean... why bind myself to something that I'm not confident of holding? I don't like to promise things, and then fail to keep them. Broken promises not only hurt other people, but they hurt me too.

But yesterday night I learnt something from the Channel U show, "Power of Love"  .

I guess that God is gracious enough, and that He knows that it's extremely hard for me to keep my promises to Him (*wink). But what He wants to see is me making the effort to commit myself to the promise I've made to Him.

Just like the couple who took the marriage vows and promised themselves to each other. Trials and tribulations might come... and even one of them could fall to the temptation of the world. But I believe that if both parties are willing to commit to this sacred promise that they have made before God's altar, it's good enough already. 

               *                   *                  *

It was really a great struggle.

I guess I knew that God had wanted me to make this promise to Him long ago. But all along... I knew that I'll be too weak to keep it.

Too weak to come to His Throne of Grace.

Too weak to come to the Father's embrace.

Too weak to come to the Cross.

But I also know that it's not works that's going to bring me to Jesus. It's the small effort that I take that delights His heart. He has already opened up His 24/7 SOS helpline for me.

He's strong enough to come down from the Throne.

He's big enough to hold me in His arms.

He loves enough to go to the Cross for me.

What more could I ask from the precious Son of God? 

            *                 *                  *

And so...

I made the promise to God.



Blogger Marcus Ang said...


praise God! Glad that u are taking a step of faith towards Him!

Just wan to encourage you - Just dun give up trying k? Press on and I pray that God will be helping you gently by your side!

9:52 PM  

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