
Wow... Haven't been updating my blog for the past 2 months... Was really busy with exams in Nov. Really smoked through but thank God that my results were better than what I expected!!!
After exams, I rested for a few days meeting up with friends and watching movies. And straight after that I went to Thailand for mission trip (Actually for G12 conference and Encounter Weekend). Really thank God for this mission trip cause He did a lot of wonderful works in my life through this trip.
*This picture is taken at the hotel in Thailand*
After coming back to Singapore, was packed with activities... so packed that I've decided to push away a lot of appointments with my friends, 'cause my thesis is still stuck there and I really need a lot of time to catch up so that I can answer to my supervisor.
Even the past 4 days was just really packed. Went to 3 Magic of Love shows on friday and saturday, sunday service, then bowling and christmas party @ Marcus and QIngyu's house on monday. Finally today can get a bit of rest and catchinh up with my thesis.
Really busy... but at least it was time well spent. Thank God I did not spent my holidays playing away.