The Question behind the question.
Sat sermon was really interesting. The story came from Luke 10:25-37. Just to sum things up... The expert in the Law asked "And who is my neighbour ?" in verse29 and then Jesus went to give the parable of the Good Samaritan. But actually, the parable is really answering the previous question on "What must I do to inherit eternal Life?"
A lot of times, we are like this expert of the law... We don't really get to the heart of the issue.
Recently, I'm "looking" for a job. And at the moment, there are 2 job offers and I'm really having a hard time deciding which job offer should I accept. But I realised that the crux of the issue is not really "Which job to accept", but it is "Do I really want a job?"
Frankly speaking, I don't really want to work. (Who in the world would want to work if they got a choice?) But cause of the long holidays and limited financial resources, I told myself I should get a job. But deep inside, I rather just laze around and do nothing.
Anyway... will spend time later to talk to God about it and hopefully I won't think so much then...
my prayer for you is that you will hear from God Himself which job offer you should take up. and i believe that as you allow Him to direct your decisions and as you obey Him, it'll be more than just a job we're looking at. :)
also want to assure you that I understand what you mean by not wanting to work (ha!), and most importantly God understands! and i know He'll honour this heart of yours to choose to do what should be done. :)
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